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Paul’s Bio:

Music has always been an important part of Paul’s life. It all started with parents who decided to teach their children to love music. And that is what they did with music lessons and family concerts. Paul started music lessons on the piano at 5 years of age, and guitar lessons at the age of 10.

Over the past 35 years, Paul has performed with various groups in the south eastern Pa area, and led and organized many worship teams, gaining experience in working with people of varying levels of musical talents. In addition to performing, Paul has also taught private music lessons to people ranging in age from 4 to 54.

Paul’s style of teaching includes music theory, some note reading, and basic chord construction. The lessons focus on the goals and learning style of each individual student.  If a student is willing to learn, Paul can teach them the instrument of their choice.

My Goal at Road’s End Studio is to help you be your best.  While only a few people will achieve the status of actually BEING the best, all of us can leave a legacy of honor and respect with those we love if we DO our best, whatever level that may be.  **It’s the humble attitude of a life well lived that achieves greatness, not the perception of our own great accomplishments.